Monday, August 26, 2013

Medical Card: Is it important?

Medical card : Getting one?

When googling/researching for insurance, medical card product is the one that most people frequently looking for. People are worried about getting hospitalized. 

But most of the times, most people are not well acknowledge on why they need medical card. Lack of access to good information and lack of exposure to hospitalization experience cause people being un imaginable of what to expect.

Further more, most people will have a sense of false comfort level whenever they knew that their company has provided medical benefit or when they bought traditional PA insurance from tele marketer.

Hence it is important then, to find out whether we got right the insurance product to cover our self from the unexpected loss event. To get compensate for we thought will be covered. 

Despite of oneself effort to stay healthy, medical problem can happen unexpectedly. The next It is then up to oneself to choose treatment facility that are affordable to him/her. Medical cost is very expensive these days. Just look at the newspaper clip below on how much money we need to pay for cancer treatment? Heart bypass surgery could be around RM50,000.

We have to incur these cost from our pocket money if we want to the best medical facility other than government hospital. Most medical card, if not all, would provided sufficient coverage to pay for all these medical cost.

With medical card, it gives policyholder a power to choose their medical facility. No doubt that government provides cheap and good medical facility in Malaysia but we certainly will not have faster access to treatment. It is very usual to see  a lot of patients flock into government hospital which then causes slow in serving other patients. Hence the outcome as we would see, disgruntled patients complaining. But with medical card, its provides faster access to medical facility in private hospitals with good comfort and peace of mind.

Take for an example of one of the clients, she has to go through endoscopy(what is this?) procedure because of stomach ulcer. With medical card, she was able to undergo the procedure in private hospital in no time. Guess what, the with one night stay, procedure cost and medical pills, it costs about RM3000 for such quick procedure. Not only that, with Hospital Income benefit, she also receives daily allowance of RM300 per night. This is how medical card or comprehensive life insurance comes into benefit, in term of protecting us as a whole. 

When asked whether he or she has medical card, one of the frequent answer is " my company already provided me with medical coverage". But when asked again what are the coverage not all are able to answer definitely. 

Yes it is good that the company provided medical coverage as part of the benefit scheme but we have to ask ourself :
1. How much is the coverage? What is the annual limit 
2. It the coverage provided sufficient?
3. Most importantly, if we are suffering from pro long illness  that require long term medical treatment, will our company continue to finance our hospital bill such as kidney dialisis. 

Of you are able to answer above question, you should be able to asses the level protection that you would need to protect yourself from unexpected and unforeseen unfavorable medical events.

The existence of medical card provides a comprehensive solutions to the above problems. With Prudential medical cards; Pruflexi med and Pruhealth policyholders will benefit from the following:

1. High medical coverage. Policyholders will have the options to choose their own limit with 
    minimum of RM50,000. In addition, the lifetime limit provided is 20 times the annual limit. 

   Some of are lucky to have huge sum of saving to pay the high medical bill. For others, it might take      some time to accumulate high medical fund. With medical card, it provides instant medical fund just 
   as low as RM100 per month. 

2. Faster access to medical facility

3. Protection against high medical cost - Yes, medical cost is increasing and it is increasing every        year and higher rate. 

4. Peace of mind - Yes, you will get better and more comfortable treatment from Prudential panels     
   hospital. Do not have to worry about medical bills. You are covered.

5. Your company medical card expired once you stop working - YES, you are unprotected when 
    you retired. Getting life insurance is a way to protect your self and your wealth after retirement. 
   Why risk your hard earned money to increasing medical bills?

In conclusion, we are all exposed to some level of risk. At any point of time accident could happen. This lead to loss of lives, permanent injury, unexpected grievance and also financial loss. Can we do something about it? Yes we can.

Insuring our self with the right product, leave not only comprehensive protection for us but also to our family. In the end, the family and the wealth we have built would not be loss to the unforeseen event.

Below is the sample brochure of Prudential Pruflexi med product:

For more comprehensive insurance coverage inclusive Medical card, please click here.

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